Page name: Arianova RP page 4 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-01 00:15:51
Last author: Angelis Nightfall
Owner: Lady_Elowyn
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
D20: 17
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Aerion strolled threw the woods, deep in her thoughts. Why didn't he know that Siara and I are siblings? Does she even acknowledge having a sister? She sighed, then scolded herself. "No need to get worked up about something so stupid.." She murmured.

Lerayel smiled at being with her old friend again. "It's been a while," she said as she entered the tent and sat on her bed. She gestured for him to take the chair. She was one of the few not affected by his accent, only becasue she'd known him for so long.

"Yes it has... You've been busy," Jalen said, still smiling as he took the chair and looked for all the world he had been there for hours; he looked so comfortable. "It's like we never have time together anymore," he pouted teasingly, then smiled. "But I'm always around, you know that."

"I'll always be busy," said Lerayel with a laugh. "It comes with running such a large group. Right now there are about twenty things I should be doing. But I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh? Well that's sweet, Lera. But it leads me to ask," Jalen leaned foreward, elbows on his knees and looking at her curiously. "What about?"

"I don't know. I just needed some time. I'm so confused. Jalen, we have two former Kerrigons in our midst." She blinked as she realized she was lying, but said nothing about it. "One of them, I do not trust. I believe he was sent here to murder my advisor. The other I do not know what to think about."

"Hmm.. Just trust your judgment, it's never failed you before. I suggest just keeping a close eye on the two new recruits," Jalen said, tilting his head to the side a little. "Well actually.. We should take care of all new recruits. Just because we know some are 'ex' Kerrigons, doesn't mean the others aren't new recruits to the Kerr's trying to prove themselves to our enemy by infiltrating our ranks and telling our secrets or poisoning our food." He continued watching her. "You are our leader, Lera, and we'll follow you're judgement. Like I said before, it's never failed you before." He gave her an encouraging smile.

Lerayel shook her head. He didn't know how badly it had failed her. "I believe they are trustworthy. I will keep an eye on them, however. Your advice is sound." She sighed. "Why are you so confident in my judgement?"

"Well you chose me as your best friend didn't you!" Jalen said, smiling so bright that if his tail had been showing, it definately would have been wagging. "Even before you were a leader! You must have some good judgement in there somewhere," he said, reaching over to ruffle her hair.

Lerayel shook her head, thinking If only you knew where my judgement led me before I was leader... And it was my choice to lose contact with you... She realized she'd never admitted to Jalen that she'd severed contact on purpose. "Jalen, your joy is insatiable."

"Well with a friend who gets as down as often as you do, I have to keep my spirits as high as the stars," Jalen smiled at her. "Cheer up. You've done well so far, theres no need to doubt your abilities to lead now."

Lerayel smiled. "Well, at least you're good at cheering me up." The smile faded. She felt like she needed to tell him. No, she couldn't. He'd flip. but she had to. She was having a mental battle now, and it showed on her expression.

After Luna finaly woke up, she stood them smiled at Alec & then said softly," I need to tlak to Lerayel, i must find out waht i'm to do today & if you want to join me you may." She then streched yet kept her left arm close to her body, she did as Lerayel said & rested yet now she was on her wya to get her duties from her leader. 

Alec looked at her nervously. "Umm if it's allright with you.. I need to talk with some of others.. Is that ok?" He looked at her questioningly.

Luna nodded to Alec & then headed to Lerayel's tent, she was quiet the whole way. She then said softly as she stood at the entrance to ehr friends tent," Lerayel i'm ready for my duties today & i wanted to talk to you, i hope your not busy if so i can come back later. " She then waited & looked at her arm, it was snig in it's sling.

Lerayel looked up at Luna. "Can you survey the training? And keep an eye on the new recruits. Watch their every move. Anything suspicious report to Jalen here." She smiled. "And no hard work. That's all."

"Hello, Luna," Jalen greeted, smiling at her. "It is good to see you up and about after your unfortunate accident. You are a strong woman, no one can mistake that."

Luna nodded then bowed to Lerayel, she then bowed to Jalen & smiled to him. She then walked off & startd to survey things like she was told, she knew it would be boring.

Lerayel sighed. She was glad Luna had temporarily distracted her from her mental battle, but now her mind turned back to it. Added to the turmoil over whether or not she should tell Jalen was the guilt that Luna had been hurt. She knew her confusion and frustration were showing on her face, but try as she might, she couldn't hide it.

Jalen frowned at her. "Lera..." he said gently, sitting by her on the bed and wrapping a friendly arm around her. "Do you want to tell me what's really bothering you?"

"No," said Lerayel. "I don't want to tell you." Her voice broke, tears flooded her eyes as the memories returned once more. Why was she so uncapable of blocking them out now? She didn't understand. Yet again the tears came. "But I have to," she sobbed, turning to him and hugging him as if he were her brother, burying her face in his shirt. "I have to."

"Shh.." Jalen calmed her, holding her close while rubbing her back gently. "Take you're time, I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. Just take your time..." he said softly.

"You'll kill me when you know," Lerayel said quietly. She sat up again, breathing deeply. She dried her tears. "Jalen... I... when we stopped communicating, it was by my choice. I began avoiding contact. I hid it, but I was running from you." She knew there was more she needed to tell him. But she couldn't. Not yet.

"But...Why?" Jalen looked like a kicked puppy and who wanted to redeem himself in the eyes of his master. "Did I offend you?? I'm sorry if I did, I swear I didn't mean to."

The look on his face brought Lerayel's tears back. They streamed silently down her face. "No. Jalen, you did nothing. It was my own stupididy. My own bad judgement. I had a boyfriend by the name of Chris. He didn't want you to know about him. So I never told you. Oh, how I want to kill him." She paused to take a breath. "He led me to a... secret society. They told me to stop contact with you. So I did. I listened to them, Jalen. I was one of them." The tears fell harder now.

Aerion held her arms out as she crossed a thin bridge - or atleast, a log spwen across a muddy creek. Why Siara? She thought, then jumped off as she came to the end. "It matters not. If you continue on like this, I'm afraid I'll have to kill you," She muttered, as if her sister could hear.

"Well, lets just say that it is a memory from my time before I became an exile. That is the reason I am an exile. It was the most fun I've had in my whole life."Ben says, nting her gaze."Don't be sorry. It isn't your problem." he finishes, hefting his pack onto his shoulders.

Lei Fang stood. "I know. But I should no have stared." She smiled at him.

Luna slowly headed back to Lerayel's tent to get more duties, she stopped just outside the tent hearing hte tail end of the conversation & lowering ehr ehad knowing that Lerayel was in pain from trying to tell him. A hurt that no one should have, one that scared the mind & heart for all time. She knelt at the entrance & sat on her knees, her eyes closed as she sat there the tent entrance closed.

"Secret society?.. I'm afraid I don't understand, Lera... I forgive you, for leaving me, though, so don't feel bad about that. It's ok, I mean, you were happy right? No more tears, please?" Jalen was obviously trying very hard to cheer her up.

Lerayel shook her head. She mouthed the word "Kerrigons" but no sound came out. She lowered her head. Jalen wouldn't be able to cheer her up. She sensed that Luna was outside the door, but couldn't ask her to come in. "Jalen... the Kerrigons..." she whispered. "It was the Kerrigons." She broke down.

"Lera..." Oh he really looked like a kicked puppy now. One that didn't understand why it hadn't been fed in week. "Why...Why?"

Luna sat outside the tent listening to everything & she wanted to bad to go in, she wanted to comfort Lerayel. She wanted to comfort them both, she knew that Jalen was as hurt as confused & she hated hearing others hurt.

Lerayel shook her head. "I dont' know," she cried. "I was in love. Madly in love. I was willing to do anything for Chris. But he felt nothing for me. I didn't know that until after I left them. I never should have... I dont' know why...." She looked at the entrance to her tent. "Luna. Come in."

Luna stepped in bowing on her knees, her arm in it's sling close to her body & her head lowered as if waiting for something. She never looked up at them, but looked down as if she was trying to respect their hurt & she waited for Lerayel or Jalen to say something to ehr.

Jalen had already taken Lerayel in his arms, holding her close. "I forgive you.. You know that, so there is no need to cry. You aren't one anymore and you were one for love. You have a good heart, Lera, and some time with the enemy that you can't have turned your back on more than taking over the resistance against them hasn't changed that. You're still the Lera that climbed trees with me as a kid and would pick on me when I didn't want to climb with you after.. after my accident.." He laughed softly and looked into her eyes. "It wasn't my fault dogs don't like heights, you know."

Luna felt that they loved each other & it made her think about Alec, but she knew that he might only be acting. The thought hurt her & she stood slowly, she then started to walk from the tent. She didn't feel right being there & she knew that Alec was only something that she could never truly have, she hated that thought alwasy being on her mind.

Lerayel calmed slightly. "I've no right to be forgiven. But thank you. Thank you so much Jalen. You were always so good to me." She smiled at the memories. "So you still refuse to climb trees? That may mean life or death one day, you know." She dried her tears, forcing away the memories as she looked at him. "Thank you," she said yet again, "for being such a friend."

"Ah, don't even worry about it," Jalen said and gave her a quick hug before ruffling her hair again. "I'd swear to the devil himself that you're innocent on judgement day." He smiled at her before moving back to memory lane where they always smiled no matter what was going on. "Yes I still refuse to climb trees! I could fall and break my neck! Besides, I have to be on the ground in case you fall."

Lerayel shook her head. "But you know no one ever looks up. If you need to hide, that would be the best option. Besides, you only break your neck if you land wrong. Which isn't too likely knowing your skill." She was still smiling, already forgetting her memories for now.

"People are more likely to look in a tree than under a bush, and honestly, me? Hide?" Jalen looked at her with a shocked expression, his hand on his chest, then huffed. "I would never! I stand! And fight!" He punched his fist in the air determinedly then laughed.

Lerayel laughed, shaking her head. "Sometimes we need you to hide, so you don't give away our position. You know that. And besides, they look for motion in the bushes. They never look for motion in trees. They pass it off as wind."

Jalen pouted. "Yeah, I know, but I'm perfectly content hiding on-the-ground." He nodded his head firmly.

Lerayel shrugged. "If you insist. But dont come crying to me when you're caught." She grinned. It was so nice to talk with her friend again. It had been much too long.

"I do not cry," Jalen said defiantly, then before she could say anything, he said quickly, "And that one time with Naka Joase doesn't count! We were six and she called me a flea bitten mutt!"

Laughing at the memory, Lerayel said, "Well, you are a flea-bitten mutt!" she exclaimed, hitting him gently on the arm.

"I am not! I may be a mutt, and I may be bitten, but I do NOT have fleas!" Jalen stated with conviction and poked her in the side.

Lerayel grinned, batting away his hand as he poked her. "Fine then. No fleas. What's wrong with fleas though? They're an important part of the ecosystem," she said with mock graveness. Then she laughed. They were acting like children, and she loved it.

"What's wrong with them? What's wrong with them?" Jalen sounded incredulous. "They just happen to think, Little Miss, that my body is an all-you-can-eat-buffet!"

Lerayel abandoned her grave additude for laughter. "I'm sure they won't kill you. And I thought you said that you didn't have fleas," she accused, narrowing her eyes at him in a suspicious manner.

"I don't! Doesn't mean I haven't before," Jalen said, and stared at the floor as if remembering some horrific memory.

"Oh. Well that's alright then," Lerayel said. "Case closed." she grinned. Then the smile faded as she remembered all the work she had lined up. She shook off the feeling of guilt that accompanied that thought. This was so much more fun than paperwork.

"It was with the flea dip," Jalen said and shuddered, then seemed to come back. He grinned looking at her suspiciously. "You're not dodging work, are you, dear friend?"

Luna had left the tend, but slumped to teh ground just outside it & she could hear them inside laughing. She knew that she would never truly have that, she happy for her friend & yet inved her for it as well yet could never hate her friend. She lowered her head sitting on her knees & then closed her eyes as silent tears fell, she knew that Alec was nothing more than a lost dream for her.

Lerayel just looked at him. "I'm always dodging work, Jalen, even when I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to. I never have a free moment anymore. But yes, there is much I am supposed to be doing. The first of which is comforting Luna, who is outside this tent right now doubting her own love." She smiled at him, then ducked outside. "Luna, what's wrong?"

Luna looked up at Lerayel & said softly with tears in ehr eyes," Lerayel you know as well as i do that Alec is only acting, he is to loyal to his clan to stay here & i know i can not make him stay. You know as well as i do that something is not right with how he is being so kind, he can't posible love me like i had hoped & i feel that he should leave before i get even more attached than i already am. I can't keep pretending that he loves me, it's only hurting me even more inside & i'll never be loved like i hope it's just a lost dream now. " She then looked away from Lerayel & let more tears fall, she was truly hurt inside about it all.

Jalen had followed Lerayel out and now looked at Luna. After hearing her speak, his face had grown dark, his eyes turning wolfish and his jaw clenching as his fists did the same. He tilted his head a little to the side and took a deep breath, his eyes closing slightly before he turned and stalked away through camp.

Luna heard Jalen walk off & she just looked at Lerayel, she then leaned against her friend the tears still falling. She didn't know waht to say now & was unsure waht to do with herself, she felt so lost inside.

Lerayel held her friend, comforting her through her tears. "Do not give up hope, Luna. He may love you. Don't give up hope. He isn't lost to you yet. There is one way I can know for sure, although it is potentially dangerous and I would not attempt it for any reason but your peace of mind. Do you want me to?" She was concerned about Jalen as he walked away, but right now Luna needed her.

Luna looked at Lerayel & then said to her," Do it if you feel it will help, but if not then don't & i don't want to be told. I need to find out on my own, i want to know myself if he is with us or against us & only then will i know wayht i should do." She then looked away again & then closed ehr eyes once more, she didn't weant to be told waht side he was on she wanted to find out for herself.

From somewhere in camp, or perhaps just outside it, barking could be heard and some man crying out as if fighting someone. Other people could be heard cheering or booing but it soon started dulling down to excited talking as the barking receded into the woods, the rustling of two legs and four paws getting fainter and fainter.

Luna heard the sound yet did not think of it much, she just sat there leaning against Lerayel & hoped that Alec would leave soon. She didn't want to see him the rest of the day, she had to much on her mind & knew seeing him would only add to it.

Somewhere in the woods, Alec slammed back against a tree and remained there for support. Jalen, who had pushed him, stood tense in front of him, ready to attack. Though Alec looked ready to accept death and Jalen ready to grant it, they both looked worse for wear: clothes torn, bruised, and bleeding in multiple places, as well as panting for breath.
"You're going to hurt her!" Jalen snarled at the elf before him, who was currently watching him without a trace of fear or hate on his face.
"I could hurt her worse..."
"You traitor!"
"For you're side's benefit.. It is better this way.."
"How can you say that! How can you stand there and spit these lies of doing what is best for the war. You are lying, to everyone!"
"I haven't lied to you..."
Jalen froze, staring at him. "How can I believe you?"
"You have no reason not to..."
"You're a Kerrigon."
Alec gave him a pointed look and Jalen blanched.
"Ok.. Are you sure about this?"
Alec nodded.
Jalen paused, then, "Orchid's going to-"
"I know what Orchid will do! I just don't care...."
"Then.. welcome..." Jalen said reluctantly and clasped Alec's hand and pulled him into a one arm hug, and with his right arm around Alec's waist to support him as the elf limped, and his own left arm hanging useless at his side, then walked back to camp, talking about what Alec has just told the werewolf, and it's significance.

After both men had been bandaged up and Alec was safely resting in his tent, Jalen walked out to the woods, stretching stiffly. He didn't bother trying to be quiet, so the rustling of leaves and twigs snapping under his feet was obvious. He paused when he smelled someone and looked around, smiling. "Aerion!" he called, looking like an excited puppy. "Come out and play!"

Aerion stopped, and slowly turned her head, looking in the direction of the voice. And who could that be?... SHe thought, quietly making her way towards the person.

Hearing her movements, Jalen automatically darted in the direction of the sound, using both his nose and ears to guide him. Soon he saw Aerion and put on a burst of speed before trying to stop dead a few feet from her which made him skid a little ways and stumble a step or two before stopping in front of her. There was that tail-wagging look again. "Hi Aerion!" he chirped happily to her, smiling brightly.

"And you are?..." Aerion asked, taking a step back.

Jalen's face went blank, to confused, then he tilted his head. "Oh... Oh!" It appeared something dawned on him and he smiled. Yep, it was hard to keep that tail-wagging look from him for long... "I'm Jalen, Lerayel's personal guard," he introduced, thrusting his hand out in greeting.

Aerion looked down to his hand, her fingers flexing. She turned her head back up to his as she cleared her throat. "Ah, I see." She said simply, though she was itching to say more.

Jalen's face fell slowly and he retracted his hand. "Yes.. Well.. I already know you," he said, calming somewhat. "I was wondering what you were doing out here alone."

"Is there a reason why I shouldn't be?" Aerion asked, trying to kep her face placid. hhmm...most people are taken back...but him...hhmm..

Jalen shook his head. "Not safe, and before you go about getting offended, saying you can take on anyone, I have no doubt in your skill. You should, if only as a precaution, have someone with you in case you are attacked so you can stall them while the other person goes back to warn the others," he smiled at her kindly.

"I can see your logic, though I'm not so sure of anything attacking - safe a few mongrel bears and such." Aerion replied.

Jalen's smile changed into a playful grin and he walked around her slowly, watching her like a stalking animal. "Just bears? No, there's more out here than just bears... And when the wind is just right..." He paused in his movements and let his eyes close as he took another deep breath, tilting his head back a little before reopening his eyes and smiling at her. "There are more people near than just me or you."

"Well, I should hope so. We'd be a rather puny group if it was just the two of us." Aerion replied with a playful smirk.

Jalen took on a mock serious face and raised an eyebrow. "Did I say it was our group?" He smiled then. "And we may have been puny with just the two of us, but we could have more will than an army of a thousand, I'd bet!" he said with conviction and laughed.

Aerion rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, I'm sure." She said with a small smile.

"Ah!" Jalen said, grinning at her. "I'm growing on you aren't I?" he asked, noting her smile.

"Everyone grows on everyone else. It's just that some people don't grow in a good way." Aerion said with a shrug.

"Well," Jalen said as he walked around her again and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, leaning a little to the side and pouted rather puppy like to her. "I'm growing in a good way.. Aren't I?" He smiled cutely.

"You can better your situation by not touching me." Aerion replied. Her and her sister had that in common - touching was a no no.

Jalen smiled and seemed to happily ablige. He let go and stepped around to face her again. "Ok, no touch. It'd be easier though, you know, if you didn't smell like the woods," he said honestly, his smile gentler now.

"I'd rather smell like the woods than perfume." Aerion admitted. "It's natural - not surperficial."

Jalen nodded agreeingly, his eyes never leaving her. "Too right. Though I will admit, if you wore perfume, I would not come near you if I could help it."

"I wouldn't come near myself either." Aerion replied absently, shrugging her shoulders yet again.

Jalen laughed. "It is good to know that I don't have to avoid too many people within our ranks. Though that one magic user..." he looked back at camp with a worried expression, then shook his head sadly, turning back to Aerion. "I'm sorry, did you wish to be alone? I would rather you not be but... I would respect your wishes..."

"I won't die if you do hang around," Aerion replied, her eyes scanning the trees.

"Well that's good," Jalen said, seemingly having nothing else to say. He turned and waited for Aerion to return to her walking and he fell into step with her.

Aerion was silent for a moment before she opened her mouth to speak, though she could find nothing to say.

"It isn't your fault. My past, my problem. You have all reason to stare." Ben says, smiling back at her.

Luna willingly turned into her Lycan form & then looked at Lerayel, she hten said softly," I need to go for a walk, if i get into trouble i will call for help & i will try to avoid danger. " Luna then walked off & headed towards the woods, she needed time to think. Her arm was not helping either, she was totaly lost right now & at times she wondered if being alone would be better than being around anyone.

Jalen remained quiet as they walked, but paused soon, looking around for a sound only he had heard. Then he looked in one specific direction. Back toward camp, his face serious, if a little confused.

"What do you hear?" Aerion whispered to Jalen.

"A limping wolf..." Jalen said, curiosity now plain as he started walking in the direction. "I'll.. be right back..." he said slowly and as he stepped into a shadow, he shifted, and once more in the sun, he was a strong brown wolf, trotting off to Luna, not bothing to hide the small noises as he knew she'd know he was coming.

Aerion pulled herself up into a tree (in a similar way to Siara). She sat, and watched, and waited.

Luna turned to avoid him as she heard him aproching, she lowered her head & closed her eyes knowing he would want to know why she was away from camp.

Jalen trotted up to her, slowing to a walk once he was in sight and sat down some feet from her, silent.

Luna stopped then looked at him, her ears laid back on her head & her eyes showing the sadness behind them. She then said as she looked away," What is it Jalen? " She then sat down & fell over onto her side, she now lay in the leaves.

"Not what..." Jalen said, tilting his wolf head. "Who. And it's you. What are you doing out here alone? And wounded still no less!"

Luna then said as she sat up," I'm no good to the clan this way, i'm useless to Lerayel & i can't even stand up for myself. If she dies because of my stupidity & weakness getting in the wya, then i would never forgive myself. She has been my bestfriend & like a mother to me, she is the only family i have ever truly had. I can barly help her let alone myself & what use to her am i right now if i can not comfort ehr, she has done so much for me in teh past yet i have no way of thanking ehr for it." Luna hte fell silent & let teh held back tears finaly fall, she then lay back down.

Jalen was silent, his head once again upright. After a moment, he said gently, "You didn't answer my question... You are wounded and you are out here, alone. You could be hurt worse, or even killed, Luna. How can you repay Lerayel if you're just going to come out here when you're most vulnerable? You got hurt, we all do, so no, you can't help her right now. That's why you have to rest and get better so that when you are well again you can do your best once again."

Luna then said to him softly," I can't go back to camp right now, being in the woods is hte only thing that helps me to clear my head & besides i can't face Alec right now. Seeing him would only put me even more into a lost state, i can't face what i know i might not have for long & i know that is i face him now i would only become weaker." She then went silent once more, her soft sighs rusteling the leaves at her nose & her breathing alittle shaky.

Another pause. "Then I will stay with you," Jalen said firmly and got up. He walked around behind her and sat down, his sharp eyes looking about the trees. "I will not let you stay out here so unprotected. I will keep you safe."

Luna then said softly," Why protect me?" She just lay there & then sat up her lycan form still there, she looked at him.

Jalen tilted his head at her again. "Well I couldn't have you getting hurt again, could I?" he said as if it were obvious. "You shouldn't have gotten hurt at all. You're very important to me- to everyone! To everyone I mean.. Especially to Lerayel..." He was glad he was in wolf form so his blush didn't show as he looked around the trees again.

Luna lifted ehr ehad then looked at him, she tilted ehr head tot eh side & then said to him," There is more to it than just that, there is something your keepnig from me & i wish i knew waht it was. " She then turned her head away & lowered erh ehad back to the ground, she knew he would not tell ehr.

"It's nothing that would hurt you.. even if you knew it.. I'm just.. more comfortable not saying it," Jalen replied, shifting a little as if emberrassed and continued looking around at the trees.

Luna nodded then looked away from him & lowered her head as she said softly," I see......" She then fell silent saying nothing more, she just lay there now & sighed as she stared off at nothing.

"Do you..." Jalen started, then cut off. He shifted again uncomfortably before trying again, "Do you.. really love Alec?"

Luna then looked at him & a few tears fell down her cheeks, she then said softly," I did love him, but how can i now & expecialy when i don't even know if he truly loves me back or not. I thought i did love him, but when ever i kissed him it was like he didn't love me at all & it hurt when i felt him tense up then almost cring every time i did. How can i love someone who does nto love my touch, who would rather just talk than hold me or show me that he truly does care & how can i love someone who seams as though he is hiding something from me will only hurt me in the end any way. " She then sood & tried to walk away, her pain even more obvious now.

Jalen stood and trotted in front of her, turning and making her stop. "How can you say such things? Luna.. " He gave a frustrated noise and changed back to being human, rubbing his forehead. "Never mind. It's not my place."

Luna then said to him," You ask me how i could say such things, when you where not there & you did not see the look in his eyes or the look on his face when i did. You don't know how wrong i felt to even tough him after seeing the look in his eyes, i felt so unwanted when i saw the disgusted look in his eyes & when he tried to hids it i could still see it hiding behind the fake image he wanted me to see. It peirced me heart like a dagger, i felt as if when i even tried to touch him he would crumbel beneth my fingers & only be nothing more than a dream that i only wish i had." She hten turned around & slowly began to walk off again, but she stopped turning back into her human form. She slumped down to her knees, her eyes red from crying & her face almost emotionless save for the sadness that couldn't be hidden.

Jalen stood, staring at her. His face was calm and calculating, though underneath he was fighting a torrent of anger. He shook his head. "You don't know him... You think so much of your so... So focussed on yourself Luna..." He sighed. He wanted to leave but he couldn't, not to.. leave her to the wolves. Wow, the irony of that statement struck a little too close to home.

Luna turned her head then looked at him, a single tear falling down her cheek & she said to him," If thats waht you think of me, then why not leave me here & let me fend for myself. Obviously you must know him better than i ever could & from the way it seams your right, i'm selfish only thinking of myself nothnig more. Maybe thats why my parents left me & Lerayel was my only friend growing up, maybe thats why i have so little. " She finaly stood then walked off, there was total silance now & she had nothing more to say.

"There you go again! Speaking of only yourself!" Jalen snarled after her. "I'm here with you because I chose to be, and I know Alec because I talk with him!" He had his fists clenched in annoyance.

Luna wanted to say something to him, but kept her words to herself this time & this time she headed back to her tent. She figured that Jalen hated her now & she knew that there was no use trying to explain anything to him if he would only say she was speaking of herself, she didn't know who to turn to or what to do right now. She figured that staying in her tent would be best, maybe there she would atleast be left alone & have time to work things out in her head.

Aerion waited, and waited, and waited. With a sigh of annoyance she headed off into the woods, following where Jalen had gone off to.

Jalen stood where he was, hands fisted tightly, and glaring off in the direction Luna had left. He was growling to himself, obviously annoyed.

Aerion stopped when she saw him. "Not in a good mood now are we?" She said, placing a hand on her hip.

Jalen turned his wolf eyes on her and barked angrily before facing where Luna had been and let out a shaky breath. "No.." he said, his voice calm but strained. "No we are not..."

Aerion didn't push him - at the moment it wasn't in her best interest. She leaned back against a tree, her eyes watching him intently.

"Aerion..." Jalen's body was still tense and he didn't turn, but his voice was now calm and perhaps curious. "Do you believe in love?"

"Perhaps," Aerion replied, her voice sounding calm, but distant. "I believe that there is the illusion that some have, creating others to believe and feel what they do not." She stopped, then added, "But I do believe that there can be a deep bond between two persons."

Jalen sighed, forcing his body to relax before he turned to Aerion, his eyes once again normal. "Would you mind if I continued walking with you?"

"I wouldn't mind at all," Aerion said, pushing off with her tree, taking the few small steps she had to to get to where Jalen was.

"Thanks.." he muttered before turning and continueing to walk the perimeter of the camp.

Aerion walked next to him, her hands clasped together behind her back. "I do not mean to pry, but.." She started, then paused before she continued. "Why are..or, should I say were you so upset?"

"I have a rather self-centered seeming depressed friend, that I can do nothing about.. I try to help, then she just pours on more self pity, and I get annoyed, then she gets upset and walks off and then-" He held out his hands, palm up and fingers slightly curled and jerked them a little and they elongated and claws grew from them. He let them fall back to his sides with a sigh and they changed back to normal. "I guess I just can't stand to see my friends so upset over what seems so trivial to me..."

"To some people...having self pity makes them feel better, though I've never understood why," Aerion said, her eyebrow quircking at his claws, though it went back down shortly.

Jalen shook his head, trying to throw off an obviously painful headache. "I just want to forget it right now... I'm not the type of person to hold onto anything for long." He sighed and tilted his head back to the sky as they walked.

Aerion slowly nodded her head, also lifting her head to the sky. SHe lowered it after a moment.

"I'm going to do something that's going to make you really mad now... ok?" Jalen said without looking down or stopping his walk.

"As long as you aren't about to kill me...okay," Aerion said, unclasping her hands.

Jalen stopped and sighed again before he darted to her and pinned her to a tree with his body, his face close to hers. "I would never try," he said before pressing his lips to her in a gentle kiss.

Aerion moved her lips as to kiss him back, though at first a surprised look came across her usually calm face.

He carefully broke the kiss and took a couple steps back from her. "You can hit me now if you want... I know you said not to touch you."

Aerion was silent, as if searching for the right words to use. "Some touching..used in the right welcomed," She finally said, a slightly teasing smile coming to her lips.

"Good to know.." Jalen said tightly and looked around at the trees.

"But I must ask...why?" Aerion said, her eyes following his gaze.

Jalen smiled awkwardly and blushed a little, looking at the ground. "It's kind of.. embarrassing... And.. yeah..."

Aerion laughed. Perhaps for the first time in years. "Embarrasing eh?" She stopped her laughing to smile at him. "Part of the reason why I tend not to show emotions."

"Well this isn't my fault!" Jalen cried, looking at her with slightly unfocussed eyes. "I'm doing well as it is!" A low whine came from him and he looked out at the trees again.

"Doing well? YOu look as if you're about to fall over at any second." Aerion said, her voice serious now. SHe walked over to him and took his arm. "Are you feeling unwell?"

He shook his head. "No.." he breathed. "Quite the opposite..." He turned his glazed eyes to her again, lowered them to her lips, and suddenly his arms were around her again, holding her close and he was kissing her searingly.

Aerion wrapped her arms around his neck, still surprised, if not confussed.

"This-is very-wrong-" Jalen said between kisses on her neck. "I really-shouldn't be-doing this."

"hhmm...and how would it be wrong?" Aerion whispered, a tingly feeling coming up in her stomach.

Jalen's hands had come up to her arms and had gripped them and he shakily pushed away from her, looking at her with shining eyes and breathing hard. "Aerion.. You'd kill me... No.. This is wrong..." He shook his head, trying to restrain himself.

Aerion (who still had her arms around his neck) pulled him closer, her lips coming to his. "That's for me to decide," She whispered in his ear.

"You're going to hate me..." Jalen said, his voice a little rougher then usually but he lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist and pinned her against a tree again, resuming kissing her.


Aerion's head resting in the nook of Jalen's neck, her hair ruffled around her head.

"Aerion?" Jalen said carefully, as though he was that puppy again, afraid of being kicked. "We should get back to camp..."

"hhmm..."Aerion shifted, then with a small sigh said, "I believe that that would be the best plan of action.." She murmured.

Jalen nodded and carefully shifted to lay her on the ground and got up and dressed quickly.

Aerion pulled her clothes on in hast, and gave her weapon a flip before putting it in its place. She ran her fingers threw her hair, try to calm it down.

Jalen saw her fight with her hair and laughed before motioning for her to follow and started walking back to camp.

Aerion was just finishing her bun when she could see the first hazes of the camp (tents and people and such). "So what does this make us?" She asked softly.

Jalen stopped and blinked at her, as if confused. "What do you mean?"

Aerion paushed, her hands slowly coming down from her hair. "Ah..I see.." She murmured, her facing falling a bit, as if she thought that by Jalen saying that, what had just happened was a 'nothing' sort of thing to him.

Jalen frowned. "I told you you'd hate me," he said simply. "You didn't even ask-" he stopped and sighed, looking over at the camp. "Do you understand what just happened Aerion? Most girls know, so I don't need to explain, and sometimes I don't explain at all because I don't think they need to know. You're important to me, and I think you need to understand..."

"What do I need to understand?" Aerion asked. "And I don't hate you - I wish you'd stop saying that." She said softly.

Jalen sighed and physically seemed to brace himself as he looked at Aerion. "There is a wolf.. in heat.. in the woods..." he said, watching her for her reaction. "I told you it was embarrassing.. Usually I just shut myself up in my tent but.. I didn't want to leave you alone, neither part of me did, thought for different reasons..."

Aerion gave a laugh. "But if I'm important to you, then we feel the same. It's the completely horriblething that you think it is." She said, her face once again calm. "It could have been worse." She teased, a small smile coming to her face.

"I suppose so..." Jalen said, then smiled weakly, gave a little wave, and ran into camp back to find Lerayel.

Aerion but her hands behind her head, and slowly began to make way for her tent. She was slow, having much to think of on her way back.

Meanwhile, Lerayel was left alone outside her tent. Jalen had left, apparently to attack Alec. Luna left to clear her head. Lerayel wanted to follow them both, but she didn't want to walk into a fight. Jalen could handle himself. An Luna just needed to be alone. So now Lerayel was stranded. She couldn't concentrate on her work with so many concerns about her friends. She sighed and went into her tent, laying down to be alone with her thoughts.

"It isn't your fault. My past, my problem. You have all reason to stare." Ben says, smiling back at her.

Yet again we need a new page: Arianova rp page 5

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2006-07-30 [Akayume]: why does Luna keep getting hurt? She's part of a fighting resistance for christ's sakes. >.< What use is she if she keeps being 'randomly' attacked all the time? And if she does, wouldn't she have the brains to hang around other people, or at least carry a weapon with her?? She's a lycan, correct? they aren't weaklings, I don't see how a bear could hurt her (come on, they're like..the stupidest creatures ever. Just running in circles confuses them).

2006-07-30 [Artsy]: lol, too right akay

2006-07-30 [Akayume]: thank you -.-

2006-07-30 [Akayume]: and another thing. My characters (Aerion/Siara) are humans. JUST humans. From the looks of it, they could kick Luna's ass. That in itself is sad. Getting attacked maybe once in a blue moon is fine, but totally getting your ass kicked each day is...

2006-07-30 [Angelis Nightfall]: Ok first off Her mind is not clear right now & she is having alittle trouble clearing her thoughts, besides no creature is invincable or unharmable.  So leave my character to me & your character to yourself to deal with, let me play my character as i wish to. Besides why should you care how i play my character any way?

2006-07-30 [Akayume]: Yeah, but not all characters are whimps either. And I care because my characters are in the same rp. In an rp it isn't 'every man for yourself' it's everyone trying to get their characters to interact together in an orderly manor.

2006-07-30 [Artsy]: *rings little bell* yep... round one! lol

2006-07-30 [Angelis Nightfall]: What ever, see it's this kind of shit right here that i can't stand, people who won't leave well enough alone.

2006-07-30 [Akayume]: I have been leaving you alone (well..until now). You see, I can't stand people that drag rps down by making characters that don't make sense. That I cannot stand. Not only are you making it difficult for other rpers, but you are making the rp as a whole look horrible.

2006-07-30 [Artsy]: *stays out of it*

2006-07-30 [Angelis Nightfall]: Thats bull shit get over yourself & just but out if you don't like the wya i run my character, then leave the rp. You have given me shit on this wiki & the other wiki for no damn reason, people like you are the reason why i ahve thought of killing myself several times. People like you give me hell all the time & i get literaly no sleep at night, not to mention the fact that i have done nothing to you to pravoke any of the save for try to do what i saw was best for what i was doing.

2006-07-30 [Akayume]: First of all, learn how to spell. It helps the argument. And I am entitled to my opinion. And I really don't think that telling you that you should run your character should cause you to want to kill yourself. (and I won't fall for that guilt trick). That's like if you are a singer, and someone says, "You shouldn't try to hit high notes you can't hit." and because of this you go and kill yourself (O.o) And whatever you're doing, all it is is coming across as annoying.

2006-07-30 [Angelis Nightfall]: I'm not giving any guilt trips, not to mention i can't help my spelling considering i have a problem where it sometimes causes me to spell wrong & i have tried my hardest to correct it yet it is not that east to correct. Don't give me that examples bull shit either, it's more of how you are comming off towards me that gives me that thought, not the words themselves.

2006-07-30 [Akayume]: I'll admit it-I'm not the nicest person. You know why I'm not? Because I don't take crap. Though I may sound like an attack on you as a person, it's an attack on your rping (okay..that doesn't sound much better ^^'') But if you don't listen to what people say, you'll never get better. And examples aren't bullshit, they're to help get my picture across.

2006-07-30 [Angelis Nightfall]: I have been rping for 8 years, i put alot of my life experiance into my rp's & i do so because no one truly knows how bad i have had it & i alwasy feel for those who have either had it just as bad as me or worse then me. So don't say i need to get better, i probably know more about rping that you ever will.

2006-07-30 [Artsy]: doubt that....

2006-07-30 [Akayume]: hohoho!! *laugh..cackle* Survey says! *buzzer* that is incorrect! I have gotten into rps that are A) hard to get into and B) usually only lets people older than a certaina ge (Which I am not) into. I have it bad, though I'm not going to say how. If I have it worse or not than others I don't care - I don't let that effect my rping.

2006-07-30 [Angelis Nightfall]: doubt it then

2006-07-30 [Akayume]: really, you do? Want me to pull up the owner's name? You can have a nice chat with her. :o and as for the other thing you could be refurring to, I don't give a shit if you doubt it or not, I could care less. I like to keep my personal life, well, personal.

2006-07-30 [Angelis Nightfall]: I already messaged Elow on the situation, trust me when she gets the message hopefuly you nor anyone else in here will ever have to deal with me again

2006-07-30 [Akayume]: Fine then, let us wait.

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